May 11, 2005 14:59
so within the span of two hours monday night, I went from "gee, I think I may have a tickly throat" to feeling like I was about to die. while my nose isn't stuffed up at all, my sinuses are completely filled. my eyes hurt to move. my cheeks are tender. days are fine, but when I try to go to sleep it just doesn't happen. I woke up every two hours last night and each time I woke up I laid awake for half an hour. I tried and tried to sleep but my neck just hurt and my throat just hurt and it was just so hot and everything was terrible. I wondered if it really was hard to breathe or whether I was just freaking out. I sat up in bed and drank water. I moved my pillow to the other end of the bed and told myself that I didn't even have to try to sleep, I could lay here and watch the lightning and hear the thunder and that would be ok. I fell asleep. woke up later, stumbled to the bathroom and took two advil. moved back to the other end of the bed and woke up to go to chemistry because we had a quiz today. so I get to class and professor mobley says "I postponed the quiz until friday!" so I asked anna if she thought he would notice if I left and when she answered "no. just go," I did. ate a very nice breakfast with katie and amy and sheahan. showered. did my presentation which went very well. lunch. gws. writing lab. then I met with my englsih prof who is actually the nicest person ever.
blah. I can't decide if I should nap now or not. and I can't rememember if I took advil after lunch or not... I think I did, so I still have to wait two hours to take more. blah. I can't decide if I should take a decongestant or not. my nose isn't stuffy or anything, it's just my sinuses! fuck it, I'm taking it and taking a nap too. it hurts to swallow, to eat, to talk, it hurts to breathe.
this sickness is draining me of any motivation to work on the things I have to do.
the pseudoval the health center gives out looks like red hots. yum yum.