You Were a Little Naughty This Year!
While you're not likely to greet Santa with sucker punch...
He's still not too jolly about coming to your house.
You might get a small token from Mr. Claus
Like some detox pills for your liver.
Were You Naughty or Nice This Year? my year in review... thats just a fun quiz to take... brings back memories!
You Are a Minimal Christmas Tree
You're not a total Scrooge, but you feel no need to go overboard at Christmas.
Less is more, and your Christmas reflects refined quality.
What Christmas Tree Are You? You Are Blitzen
Always in good spirits, you're the reindeer who loves to party down with Santa.
Why You're Naughty: You're always blitzed on Christmas Eve, while flying!
Why You're Nice: You mix up a mean eggnog martini.
Which of Santa's Reindeer Are You? ha ha... BLITZen lol
Merry Christmas all!