If you're bored then you....must be boring too.

Aug 30, 2006 13:33

Hes simple yet confusing.
My words...they trembel.
For I have yet to sleep.
Well, I give up trying because...
You're everything to me.
I hope its something worth the waiting.
Cause theres no one in the world like . . .

Update On Life:
Mood:content/ confused.
Style: whatever the hell I want it to be.

Today I relized something.
What you get out of living, is what you make of it.

People, in general, are what makes us, well...us.
They control our emotions, actions, feelings,mistakes, our hopes, our dreams, and reality.
Your family is your future along with your beggining.
Being good or bad, you're here.
You look up to people.
Famous people,God, Past relatives,friends, foes (jelousy...theres a lot of that) 
And all you get of it is emotionally drained or life is high in estacy [ metaphor ]
Depending on how you, youself outlook on it.
So...cutting down the bullshit, kids.
When life is down, Bring it up.
Misery loves comapny...So why give it the satisfaction?
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