May 02, 2009 14:58
you were fifteen and stupid,
I watched your sharp sun burnt shoulder blades kiss
As you reached up and cracked your knuckles behind your head
And yawned
A sigh of relief? Despair? Monotony? I couldn’t tell
Downstairs morning blues were percolating
I heard the country breakfast snap crackle pop
And your mother crying “god damnit” over spilt milk
the birds sounded out of tune this morning
and the sun peeked through your venetian blinds to tease my tired eyes
“I’m up. I’m up.”
You were eighteen and stupid,
I watched your toned tanned biceps curl
As you lifted your weighted burdens over your head
And grunted
A groan of torment? Anxiety? pain? I didn’t care
Outside basketballs smacked pavement
I heard the exuberant laughter ha and ha ha
And your father yelling “god damnit” over the electric bill
The air was awfully stiff this afternoon
And the fan spun at record speed to mock my drying eyes
“I’m up. I’m up”
You were twenty-one and stupid,
I watched your dirty fingernails tap
As you carried your cigarette up to your ripe lips
And rolled your eyes
dreadfully indifferent, I knew
above our heads danced raindrops
I heard them drop bounce then splash
And I heard you whisper “god damnit” as the ashtray fell
The wind howled at your house tonight
And crept through the fractures of this old place to scorn my bare back
“I’m up. I’m up.”