Oct 21, 2003 23:28
I really didnt want to go to work today but once I got there it was the best shift I've ever had at work actually...me and another guy pissed around for a large portion of our shift. Things we did included 1) Prank phone calls, stupidest thing we could have done...this is how the phone call went:
Us: Hello is Jake McHood there?
Them: I'm sorry there is no one here by that name.
Us: Wierd...well can you get him to call me at work becasue....
Us: Laughing our asses off not because it was that funny but because we are making prank calls and getting paid for it and because we were very tired.
Other things included reading the paper at the desk drawing funny things on the people in the paper, me finding a cool alien pencil....and taking a very long 15min break.
Quote of the night was:
Cody-pass me your knife.
Matt(the guy at work)- Why, what are you gunna do sharpen your pencil and stab me?
Phil(other guy at work)- Why wouldn't he just stab you with the knife?
This may sound super lame and probably is, however at the time we seemed like super geniuses.