(no subject)

Mar 15, 2008 20:45

  So, I said I would never use this journal again, and that is true, for the most part. I'm just popping up for a quick update and then a question. So first the question:

Does anyone know if there is a way to get the full-text version of a livejournal from the website? That may be a paying feature, which would kinda suck, but since I am no longer updating in this, I would like to have a hard copy of what I have written in it for posterity's sake.  Some of you guys have been on here longer than I have so I figured I would ask before I go checking the boards. Thanks.


And the update:

Things are good. Well, okay, things are decent enough. Life is more or less swell. Wheaton is okay, although it's still a little weird. Readjusting from being abroad is taking some time, especially because of my friend situation (a lot of them are abroad and I'm losing touch with a lot of the ones who are here currently). I have been very stressed balancing work and trying to find a job this summer. I've got some good leads and things are going well.

On a positive note, I am absolutely in love with Sally and there is a strong possibility that we will be living together this summer, depending on my job situation. We've had some rough patches in the past few weeks, but in general things have been really awesome, and even when things were bad, there has always been a sense that we are moving towards something better. I read this quote today in a thing for my Non-fiction class about how people in relationships either move on towards a happy future, try to maintain the status quo or split up. People aren't made to regress back to a previous form. In our case, I think more often than not we're in the first catagory and that makes me very happy. I feel no desire to return to the mythical 'way things were' people talk about so much. everything that's happened has made us stronger and better and I am delighted that I have managed to keep the whole best-friend-girlfriend dichotomy. It's the healthiest relationship I've been in, probably ever (no offense to Carolina or Cindi, if you're reading this) and that's pretty damn awesome.

I miss my friends though. This break was fun, but everyone was still at school or busy or I was busy in Fitchburg or Portland. Good to see the people that I did though. Still, I'm excited to see people over the Easter weekend. Are you ready to Brawl?!?!

The Wheaton Wrestling Team that I founded/coach is starting to get exciting. We have practice coming up soon.

That's all. I think this'll be the last update in this journal, but I'll be reading and commenting, most likely.

See you guys in real life.
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