(no subject)

Jan 12, 2008 16:01

Copped from Melody why purloined it from Alec who took it from Matty who purloined it from... aw hell, I don't even remember anymore)

1. What would you do if your ex just showed up at your house right now?
Depending on the ex, great her with varying levels of exhuberance and then invite them in for coffee and a sammich

2. What describes your relationship status?
The best it's ever been with the best there ever could be

3. Who are you?
Just an honest guy trying to be the best he can

4. What's the last movie you've seen?
Sweeney Todd with Alec and Sally. Unimpressed.

5. Name 5 things you like starting with the letter F.
Frankonia Knotch
Friedrich Nietzsche
Fried Chicken

6. What is your favorite animal?
I really like cats, donkeys and hedgehogs, but I think my animal totem is a bear.

7. Who/what have you thought about most today?
Whether or not I'm slow playing the plot in my book too much. Also the amazing sandwhich I made for lunch.

8. Pirates or Ninjas?
What does that even mean anymore?

9. Why do you/don't you wear underwear?
Sometimes I rock it with the balls out cause it's more comfortable, but wearing underwear extends the number of times I can wear pants without washing them and they keep my crack covered if I bend over. It's... a conundrum.

10. Color of your shirt?
Salmon red with a black silkscreen of some kinda wolf-man in a tuxedo made out of wood with little wolf men climbing on it. Don't ask. Got it in germany

11. Mystery question?

12. Do you like musicals?
 I hate basically all musicals. Sweeney Todd (original), Les Miserables and Chicago are the only ones that are bearable enough to be enjoyable (though even the ones I like I still hate about 75% of)

13. Honestly, What would you rather be doing right now?
 Working with my hands. Carving a bow or sculpting or playing the guitar

14. What's your relationship with your siblings like?
very good. I've hung out with my brother more this break than I have since we were little kids, I think. We get along really well and I like inviting him out to hang with my friends and I.

15. ???

16. Are you a bad influence?
Honestly.... no. I'm not. I can say, with no trace of pride or arrogance, that I always try to do the right thing and I try to help others make choices that they believe are the right things.

17. Morning sex or late night playtime?
Late night playtime. Morning sex is great, but I usually have to pee wicked bad.

18. & 19. ??? What the hell?

20. Where are you?
My room

Name one of your favorite:
21. musicians-
Aesop Rock.

22. & 23. were not here when I copied this.

24. directors-
Wes Anderson

25. actors/actresses-
Gene Hackman

26. authors-
Ernest Hemmingway

27. ice cream flavors-
Cookies and Cream

28. Last time you went out to dinner?
Two nights ago with Alec and Sally

29. Who is your favorite character from a series?
Brock Samson from Venture Brothers. Or Death from Sandman... or Batman... or the Joker... shit, this is hard... Gob Bluth?

30. was not here when i copied this

31. Do you have your senior yearbook?
Yup. It's on the shelf behind me.

32. Are you happy right now?
I am.

33. How many records do you have?
like 10? I don't know. I don't own a player, so the ones I do own were given to me or purchased for kicks.

34. What did you do last night?'
Had cookies with Alec and Sally and Elina (sp?) and then went to J-money's place for some settlers.

35. Have you ever been to the ballet?
No, but I've been to the Opera and a dozen classical concerts and I had the option of going to the ballet. I just didn't want to see Snow White or the Nutcracker in German THAT badly.

36. What's your name spelled backwards?
Xela Naizadnab

37. Do you ever dance?
Lots. I like to think I'm an okay dancer if I'm in the proper mood with the proper music. I fuckin LOVE swing dancing.

38. What device(s) do you use most often to listen to music?
My laptop or my shitty ass, 70$ , 20 gig Creaive Zen that I need to replace....

39. Do you have any non-holiday related traditions?
Lots? Con stuff for one, and Summers End. Also I like to blow something up at the end of finals every year (like a stuffed animal or something). And there's the C-Unit Friendship campout and the Spaghetti fest... like I said. Lots.

40. How do you feel about violence/hatred?
Violence minus hatred is okay in small doses. Hatred by itself or combined with violence is never okay.

41. Do you read trashy books?
I read comics, which much of the world considers trashy. But then again, Jazz used to be trashy and now it's all the upper class listens to.

42. was not here when i copied this.

43. What's the last thing you bought?
 Deoderant and lighterfluid...

44. was not here when i copied this.

45. Whats in your CD player right now?
Girltalk and Decemberists mix CD

46. Whats your favorite movie?
I DON'T KNOW! Probably Royal Tenenbaums.

47. What's another favorite movie?
Oh come on! that's bullshit. Rush Hour 3. There, You happy? How about Van Hellsing and 3 Fast 3 Furious, Tokyo Drift?

48. What's your take on the human soul?
A very useful and complicated word. I guess you could say it's what makes a person a person when you take everything else away. The essential person-ness. The combination of context, sensory data, instinct, etc. that exists in the subconcious.

49. Can you sing?
I took voice lessons for 2 years before my voice broke. I suppose technically I can.

50. Do you play any instruments?
Drums and Guitar

51. Have you ever been to another country?
Canada, Mexico, Slovakia, Austria, Italy, France and, of course, Germany

52. & 53. were not here when i copied this.

54. Do you talk to anyone from another country regularly?
Not really. Iyar is from Guatamala, but she goes to school here and I don't talk with her much over break, so I don't think that counts.

55. Do you know how to knit?
Yes. I can knit and crochet yarn and I can knit chainmaile too!

56. What do you want to eat right now?
Ugh. Full. Delicious Ham, fish, humus and feta sandwich for lunch. Mmmm

57. Have you ever written song lyrics?
Yup. "The Ballad of John Toddy"

58. What are you working on right now?
A book. "The Two-Handed Anyhow"

59. was not here when i copied this

60. What's your favorite ice cream shop?

61. What was/is your primary focus in school?
English/Writing and studio art. Also philosophy.

62. What web sites do you frequent?

63. Whiskey or Rum?
 Neither. Whiskey tastes like a stomach full of drunk bees and rum belongs in a test tube in my Highschool chem class.

64. Rather fly across the states or drive?
Drive. In a motorcycle.

65. Batman, Spiderman, Superman, Hulk, or Silver Surfer?
Batman. Done.

66. What's your favorite kids movie?
Probably The Last Unicorn

67. How often do you use your cell phone?
Too much. Bah. I'm a moron

68. What is your favorite beer?
I've been to the biggest beer producing country in the world and I've had what some people would consider the best beer in the world and you know what? It sucks. I hate beer.

69. What's happening this weekend?
Well, this weekend just ended, but next weekend there is a con!!! woooooO!
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