...can this boy take a picture.
Samuel Pictures. So. 'What's been going on in the life of Rai?', you may never ask. Well, I'll tell you anyway.
I'm kicking my depression again. It comes and goes in waves, generally a big event will bring me down and I'll be shaking it for a few weeks before I can get back on my feet. Most noticeably, Keith telling us that he wanted to move out a few weeks ago really messed up my hormones/emotions. But that's all been dealt with and I'm not out of a house yet.
Eric is due to be here some time today. The apartment still looks like hell. Samuel has been with Grandma all weekend so we could tidy and not much tidying took place. I should never plan to clean. It doesn't work.
Reliq, my druid on the US servers, is 68. So close to raiding level. Except the guys we play with are still being stupid. So we may change servers, when we have cash to spare which isn't looking likely any time soon.
We have our own car now. John has a new laptop. So we're making payments on those two things. Then it's time for me, Goddamn it. I want a jacket and some new clothes for my little monkey.
And speaking of the little monster, he's now got 3 teeth (all on the bottom) and he can crawl. Learned how to crawl 2 days ago when he found my plate on the floor and decided he wanted it. Still no words yet. Little bugger laughs whenever I say 'Momma'.