i posted this a long time ago and i felt it needed to be posted again.....

Oct 01, 2005 22:09

i need someone i can keep forever. someone who will take naps with me and lay out in the grass when its sunny and warm. they'll remember my favorite things and bring me them when im sad. they'll never forget plans that we make or skip things i ask them to come to because they slept in. their friends will treat me like im one of them and never make fun of me for stupid things. they will call me for no reason, just to talk about silly pointless things all night until we fall asleep on phone. they'll take me to the beach and the zoo and the aquarium and all that stuff and act like we're little kids again. they'll be proud to tell people that we're together and their family will treat me like im part of it. they'll miss me and want to be with me whenever we're away on vacation. when i start to cry they'll kiss my eyes and when i get embarrassed about it they'll tell me i look beautiful anyways. they'll take me out on real dates just to be silly and formal and wake up really early in the morning so we can go watch the sunrise on the beach. they'll take me out for sunday drives that have no direction or purpose and sing along to the radio with me with the windows down. we'll sneak out to go for walks at 1 in the morning and fall asleep on the couch together. they will put up with me getting jealous of their friends and ill put up with watching the silly shows they love and the fact that i cant always be first priority. they'll always try to put me first and forgive me when im selfish and want them all to myself. we'll take walks by the water and get coffee together and play in playgrounds and not care who's watching. we'll go and get our asses kicked together at all the crazy punk shows and ill take care of all their bumps and bruises when we wake up the next morning. ill sing them to sleep and we'll both have the same good dreams about eachother. i will have their picture in my wallet and always be telling people insane stories about the stuff we did. they wont make fun of me for being vegetarian and they'll make me yummy vegetarian food on occasion. we'll wrestle and tickle and lay in bed together even if we arent sleepy. they wont get mad at me for being jealous of other girls and they'll be jealous of any guys i hang out with because they dont want to lose me. we'll talk about being together for a long time and mayb someday getting married and having beautiful little kids. they'll write songs just for me and play them for me and grin like crazy when i say "i want to be with you forever". they'll do anything to make me laugh. they'll pay for us to go places. when we get worried about certain stuff they'll help me do research and go places and hold my hand through it all and pay for whatever needs to be paid for. they'll take me to parties and hold my hand the whole time, and we'll drink and do stupid shit and fool around until we pass out from all the alcohol. they'll kiss my forehead and tell me they love me and promise never to break my heart.
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