Has life ever seemed to be one big glass mirage? And when you reached up to touch it everything you knew and and had dreamed about shattered and blew away with the wind. The sand carried it up and suddenly you were with yourself, alone, in the heat with the sand.
Just a reoccuring image from a dream of mine last night.
I've been feeling very paranoid lately, small noises make me jump, I'm easily woken up, and nothing looks or feels the same. I find myself even doubting the affection people show for me, which makes me feel like a terrible person. The walls shake and everything crumbles so fast, but why?
I feel confined in some kind of little box. I'm a "tv star actress", slipped into the same category of Dawsons Creek, or One Tree Hill...but why? Why are any of us placed in boxes? That confines us to be such a boring and few dimensional person, when in reality our dimensions are endless. It's too bad some people will never take a closer look and see what's beneath the label.
My body is still tired from the pain of food poisoning, my muscles are so tight, I just wish someone would walk on my back. Maybe I can get Mischa t do it since she weighs, like two fuckin pounds. Silly little Somolian.
I have a surprise for Adam tonite (shutup Ben I like spelling it that way you slut), and hopefully he'll enjoy it. I was inspired and spent the whole evening making sure everything was perfect. Let's just say it involves melted chocolate, strawberries, champagne and candles. I hope for it to be a night to remember.
Everyone should go and spam
ericbalfour's journal, he is a h8er and likes to sign off in the middle of very heated and passionate conversations. >:/ Eric you dirty sanchez I h8 you we are so over. >:-*
I need some visine. :(