Oct 14, 2004 09:53
The Concert the other night was amazing. I had a fuckin awesome time. Although it almost sucked cuz im one of the only people I know who likes the used besides becky nicole rori and gayle, and yes I do get a lot of shit for it, but I was gunna miss them for my second time in a row cuz nobody I was driving with wanted to stay for them, BUT THEN I ran into rori and she said shed drive me home so that was aaweeeesooomme! I actually ran into a lot of people I knew there, I went with Rj,Jude,Nicole,and Tim, ran into Jarson,Chaz,and that whole little crew, This kid Matt that I work with, Justin Chard,Mandy,Mike,Rori,Gayle,Kendal,Shane,Dylan and a few other people I cant think of that I ran into in the mosh pits. It was nicole's first concert which is INSANE but really awesome, she had a fuckin blast. She went in the mosh pits and crowd surfed and all that good stuff. Rori,Gayle,Nicole, and me crowd surfed during Blue and Yellow and the same time, being tiny makes crowd surfing much more enjoyalbe cuz it makes it easier for people to toss u around. ahahahhaa. at one point I got hit in the head and almost passed out so nicole went with me to get water. mhm.
Surprisingly...VERY...surprisingly, the pits for the used were 10 times more intense than the atreyu ones...I dont know why, maybe just cuz there were more people, idk, but i really expected it to be the other way around.
But yaaaaaaaaaaah all and all the concert was amazing, I have a big bruise on my back and my neck is still in pain but thats not nearly as bad as it could be. SO YAH
uuhh...I think thats it
OH YAH...after the concert we went to taco bell and we all got really really large drinks and two enchiritos! mmmmmmmmmmmm