Nov 16, 2004 20:49
Bonjour mes amis,
Eventful would be a major understatement.
Im not certain of how anything goes anymore, whats going to happen et cetera. I mean, he said he liked me too yada yada but nothings happenning. Well only a certain amount COULD happen considering he has a girlfriend. This makes me sounds like a right ho. Meh. Me and kim had a good old gossip in English bout him and Terry lol. Talking about double dates lol! aww so cute, actually he said something REALLY cute the other day; our convo:
ME:Well yesterday i went shopping, i got a pink corset for the prefect ball lol. and today i met up with pol sal and liz :)
14/11/2004 19:38:18: cool who u going to the ball?
14/11/2004 19:38:40: no-one, tess gonno be alone
14/11/2004 19:38:53: well ill be with my mates lol so now TOTALLY alone
14/11/2004 19:39:23: :'( if i was a prefect i would ask u but im not so hey
I just felt like crying lol.Thinking why the hell aren't you a prefect!!!! I would die to go to the ball with him, well not literally die because that would make the entire concept utterly pointless.
He hasn't been online in a while, thinking maybe he's avoiding me but i'm not sure. Maybe im just being paranoid.
I really ought to talk about something different. Well i scared myself shitless lastnight. It wasn't my fault obviously. I wasn't hearing things, it sounded as real as when someone shouts my name in class. But anyway, i heard our creepy doll that i despise immensly, but it wasn't saying one of its dorky phrases like i love you and will you brush my hair, plus you have to pull a string and my family were in the lving room, i had just walked past my bedroom which is where the sounds came from. Then listening to blink the numbers started changing and it was skipping like minutes back and forth. so i got annoyed and pulled it towards me using the wire and it fell off some towels, and i went oops and it came up on the CD player screen... OOPS. i just froze. it scared the hell outta me, and some of my friends lol, kim seems to think its a poltergheist out to kill me and gave me her pentagram to wear seeing as mine was missing, emily on the otherhand seems to think i may get possessed. But she's kidding.
I was supossed to change it to a happier note. oh bother.
Well tara for now! Im going to finish my Textiles work :D
au'revoir xx
pour toi x <3 x