Jun 15, 2004 01:37
legs are for runnning, jumping, dancing. walking along on, whats that word again? oh yeah, streeeeeeeeeet.
goooood evening . in case you havent noticed, i found a new life calling. interpretive dance. kristin and i can spend hours dancing to the techno-7 year old singing-remix of part of your world. we had some foreigners in the store and i think they were somewhat nervous. it was realllly slow today, so i didnt want to die that much. but i really wish it would stop raining so my car will stop breaking and so i wont lose anymore black plastic things. i got some great tortilla soup AND coffee today also, so thats a plus. after work my lovelllly best friend jessica sill came and got me with VICK SOFA and we went to puccinos to help her prepare for her math test. eeee whats the difference between a jessica and a rachel? only the braces (which will be off soon...hoorayy). good luck on your test tomorrow my friend! eee so yes i had two things of coffee today, and lets just say im a litttttle shaky. eeeee. then we went and watched the second harry potter. i was really confused, bacause ive never seen/read any of them. i just made a pact with the amazing kristen quigley that i will read them and we can bond and discuss. i miss her alot. nnp3 will HAVE to occur soon. ive been having yoshi's island relapses.
my great friend stephen brought me home and introduced me to oar...they are nice, just like him ahaha.
i got my first paycheck today and i am sooo rich. other than paying for insurance and all that, im trying to decide what to buy. life time supply of ben&jerrys or 5 magic bullets? hmmmmh. ill have to sleep on it.
weee im seeing switchfoot very soon and i cant wait.
ive been very negligent on my tivo-ed full house episodes. i have about 20 episodes to watch. sigh, how i miss thee, danny tanner.
okay im off to sleep, i think. eveyrone do me a favor and call me at 8am, because 3 alarms seem to not be enough to wake me up...and therefore be late for work.
goodnight moon!
ps im losing my voice and im officially a man. hooray.