Mar 25, 2004 10:34
woot! ok lets see...tuesday i cant remember. i do remember being bored and upset. i remember running, thats how bored i was. and then eating. and then sleeping over at mikaelas and falling asleep during DONNIE DARKO and going up to her room and climbing into the wrong bed and causing a ruckus. woke up 10:30 ish. sat in the butterfly chair to vegetate and then went to make french toast and that was lovely. watched some of X-2. went and got dressed and finally after much deliberation got to go beaching! it was uber windy and i got sand blown in my face countless times. then went to IWS and got picked up, me and kaela went to dinner with mommy, and then she brought us home. I HAVE THE BEST MOMMY EVER! lolz. then we picked up cameron and me kaela n cameron went to boomers. i saw my aj! i also saw...NICK NICK RICK aka fooba bagels and ...hero? lolz. no andrew ::tears:: k well there was a rubber chicken and that provided for a grand time. oh ya, taylor was there which was fine. we went and saw TAKING LIVES...ok that was a very twisted but very excellent movie. everyone go see that ASAP! and i came home, got a nice 5 hours of sleep, if that, and was forced to attend MORNING LAX PRACTICE. so i get there.we take 3 laps. start star rains, we take cover. it lightens, we do more drills. it rains, we take cover, finally stops. we do more drills, and LEAVE. thank god. gabbi took me home, shes the FUNNEST driver! woot! and here i am..i think liz is coming over sometime, ill have to see about that one. well, ta ta for now! LOVE NOELLE