Dec 21, 2004 22:44
o wow so a lot has happened gonna start at my birthday. thursday was my birthday! the big 16, and it was so great! i got quite a few birthday calls at midnight hehe, and thursday during the day was spectacular. i got a lot of real pretty flowers and of which popped the other flew away..i got a cake, and another cake my teacher made me. then erin took me home, family came over, had more cake and pizza and got gifts. oh and i wore my cute cute kate spade scarf on my bday. friday, was stressful, jenna nad erin found the balloon and all these random ppl signed it but thast ok..funsies! got a ptl and the sub wouldnt let me leave so i left anyway, partied, saturday went to mall with gabby, then out with lauren and partied, sundasy bizarre. today i got a fone call that was weird, and i wrote a story ill post later. <3 thanx chloe for paper and candy!