today it rained. it was pretty.

Mar 24, 2004 18:05

today was beautiful. it rained. we got to take pictures in media arts. krista & i went outside. she had an umbrella but i didn't share it with her because i wanted to get wet. oh, i did. I took 6 pictures. [this was after i lost & found my film, then had oh so much fun trying to figure out how to load it.]

i didn't quit piano. my teacher wouldn't let me.. that's not true. the decision was all mine. but she "swayed" me to stick to it by saying that i was only 2 or 3 years away from a degree.. that's a good thing!! c'mon.. if you could get a degree that soon you soo would. but oooh.. it's going to take soo much effort. at least 2 hours of practicing each night...... ok i'm done whining. i'm sorry.

i start track on MONDAY. monday. we are doing PYRAMIDS. i'm going to have a heart attack. maybe i won't go.. hmm.. or i'll get someone that looks exactly like me to go in my place & then scarrow will not notice.

Emily's Dictionary:
In african the name "Hannah" means:
Juniper Tree
In Irish the name "Hannah" means:

o. mr. fougere gave the class a lecture on red heads and how they are more prone to get skin cancer. i'm not going to get skin cancer. NO. i'm going to die of a nervous break down. not by uncontrolled cell divison.

in english, emily & i were supposed to switch places, so i would go to her MUSIC class, & she'd go to my ENGLISH class. it worked.. haha, until mr. mercer told her to go to her class?? i'm not sure what happened. Mr. Bonk quoted from my science text book. it was beautiful literature.. something about catalysts and enzymes. i shouldn't have brought it into the class. i'm so stupid.

Oh. emily likes this kid named rickie. hahaha. no.. no she doesn't. im a liar.

i'm going to go.. do.. something.. die.. or.. what not..

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