Dec 17, 2004 06:21
Hi. Well.. I didn't get any sleep what so ever last night. I was way too cold to be sleepy, I couldn't stop shivering. So.. yeah. But this morning when I took my shower.. the sleep deprivation hit me in the face. I got so tired and I almost fell over in the shower. It's hard to keep my eyes open right now.. or hold my head up. I'm just.. so fuckin tired. I don't know how I'm going to make it through the school day today. I can't just keep sleeping through all my classes, I can't afford to do that with math especially. Maybe I'll walk home from school and go to sleep. lol. Hahahaha.. yeah right.
Anywho, It's silly how things are sometimes. Really.. it is. Things seem done and over with, but really it's just still there and an on going cycle. I don't know whats going to happen now, but I'll just have to see.
Rawr..... I'm going to go lay down or do something before school.
Peace out fuckers.