Note to self: Do not drink the 42 oz Mountain Dew right before bed. (Don't ask.)

Sep 15, 2004 02:23

Dear Livejournal:

Today was a fun day. It was a wonderful day. It started out normally with Dennis and our daily exfoliation ritual. It then continued with a muffin and coffee. Yum. Breakfast. You don't really appreciate breakfast until you don't actually need to eat, anymore. Go figure.

After that, I had a fun day of lounging around the office and trying to will visions to come to me. "Oh!" I would think to myself, "Please let me foresee some poor innocent becoming brutally mauled to death by some vile creature so that my friends and I can prevent it!"

Failing that, Xander and Harmony showed up at my door complaining about lots of tiny demons that had unionized. Yeah, okay. That works, too. And I got Angel and with a rallying cry of "Forsooth, we must leave post haste!" we were off to slay the viscious little demons of DOOM!

Oh, and lo for there was fighting! Us against the demons. Xander verbally assaulting Angel. Xander being verbally assaulted by I! It was truly glorious. Then, when hark, what should occur but random maulings of US by the little demon things! So startled was I, that I promptly glowed and my bright incandescence illuminated the room and all the little demon things were so startled by my brilliant presence that they promptly fell over dead! Oh, JOY AND RAPTURE!

And there was much rejoicing. Except by Xander who decided that then would be the ideal time to go blind as no one ever told him to never stare directly at bright objects when he was a child. Henceforth, he shall be forced to wear yon Ray Bans whenever within 20 feet of mine most amazing and magnificent self.

It was a good day.

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