Hello guys! How's everyone?
I've noticed that there hasn't been much activity in this comm lately. Sure there are the occasional fic updates and requests, but they're rather few compared to how the many there were during the community's heyday. Well...
bottledfreedom and I have been talking and we came up with the idea of hosting our own version of antirukichan's Whateverfest....Reituki style!
For those new to the idea, Whateverfest is basically a drabblefest and doodlefest lumped into one. We'll post prompts in the form of photographs/quotes as comments to the main post, reply to other people' prompts (or even your own) with doodles, drabbles, or photomanips--whatever you're comfortable working with. You can also comment on other people's works. It's alright if you don't get to join immediately. As long as we keep on posting/replying, Whateverfest can last for days...or even weeks.
Hopefully, this could help some of us overcome art/writer's block, inspire each other, and just be creative and have fun. And most importantly, I'd like this to facilitate interaction between members. What's the point of having a community if we don't talk to each other, right?
Oh, and please take note that this post is just a heads up for you, guys. I want to know how many of you are game to do this. If we get a good turn-out, I'll go ahead and host the actual thing (most likely this weekend). I've already got the thumbs-up from the mod of antirukichan and the rest is just up to everyone else.
So, what do you guys think? Comments? Suggestions? Violent Reactions? :D
Come on, now... Don't be shy~ ლ(́◉◞౪◟◉‵ლ)
Your omnipresent mod (who is definitely not a stalker),
~Donna ♥