Apr 16, 2005 16:28
Ok i just rigged my modem, router, and rearranged and diconnected cords so i could get internet on my computer. wooo yay. once parents get home or sister I have to switch it back. BUT livejournal works on this beast.
Its friday and I hope something exciting happens. the band conflicts are unfortunate and saddens me. coreys ok was very down a 2weeks ago to last week cause they took away one of my medicines to "simplfy" my prescriptions, but that ended up ugly so im back on them. thus proving I will most likely be a sad pill dependent lusty slut for the rest of time.
I just ate those little chocolate star things you put on peanut butter cookies and they melt alittle and you say yum.
I need to find 1.5 pounds of domesticated rabbit meat... my 2 partners and I in Foods class decieded to cook something unusual.
I am lonely. Sam gets a gold star. I hope to get out tonight. If you can stand the company phone me.
Tis that time of the year again, ah yes April 16th day of the dreaded black furred, red eyed, foaming at the mouth, peach scented, toads that ravaged to town of gwigaleeglotch. The city of TR happens to be rebuilt directly ontop of the ruins. And on this day at 11:59PM if you get on all fours and croak like a frog, the arouma of peaches will fill your nostrils. THE END