For every single moment of my stupid little life

Nov 10, 2006 23:23

Living is no laughing matter:
you must live with great seriousness
like a squirrel, for example --
I mean without looking for something beyond and above living,
I mean living must be your whole occupation.
Nazim Hikmet, "On Living," 1947

I registered for classes. i am taking:

-Black radical tradition----->so excited!
-Economics 11
-Modern latin america
-Acting 123
-Spanish 50

OR possible classes:

-"Reading Marx"
-Psychology of black experience
-Twentieth-Century Russia
- Early modern philosophy

Then I went to see borat, which was sooooooooooooooo funnnnnnnnnnnny. and sad. because this is America- we are racists, sexists, homophobic, and anti-semetic. We are actually very horrible people. the scene where those southerners hurrayed the war on iraq and cheered for the destruction of iraq-holy shit. i actually screamed at the screen.

in the end, in all the ugliness, it's also all beautiful. and u just to be fucking thankful.
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