over the rolling sea;

Apr 03, 2005 19:07

I haven't written in this much lately. I haven't really been...keeping up with it.

It's nice to be back on Besaid. Peaceful. I'm trying not to worry about anything... I hope everyone is doing alright.

I just picked it up today because I wanted to look at some of my old entries. I kind of got reminded of that by...when I woke up this morning my leg was aching. Right about where Aunt Venali shot me. Which is expected, and as unfun as it was, it was nice being woken up by something besides my unsettled stomach for a change.

I miss people. I mean, the Aurochs, Lulu, Wakka, and of course Tidus, are wonderful company. But new friends. And family.

It'd also be nice if people would stop coming to me and asking about the farplane. I...don't know. I can't know. But... If the Fayth believe it's best for it to be sealed....maybe it is?

I don't know.
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