
Aug 03, 2005 03:38

1-What`s your name? Kayla
2-How old are you? Sixteen.
3-what`s your opinion on gay marriage? I'm all for it.  It's like saying we can't marry out of race.  It's just pure ignorant to not allow people to get married because it's to someone of the same gender.  I think this counrty needs to do alot of thinking.  Love is love, and nobody can stop it. 
4-what gender are you? I'm a girl.
5-Location? Haverhill Massachusetts.
6-Name 5 of your favorite bands.
-X-Ray Spex.
-The Adicts.
-Iggy Pop and The Stooges.
-Dead Boys.
-The Misfits.
7-Name 5 of your favorite movies.
-A Clockwork Orange.
-A Nightmare Before Christmas.
-Rosemary's Baby.(Funniest movie ever, and it was ment to be scary. hah.)
-Nightmare on Elm Street.
-Roger Rabbit.(I have no clue why.)
8-Why do you think you should be accepted? I have no clue. I just should, I guess.
9-Name 2 of your favorite books.
-The Perks of Being a Wallflower.
-A Clockwork Orange.(More than the movie)
10-What do you usually do everyday? Sit on the computer smoking cigarettes and drinking cokes, go to market basket and ride the merry go rounds, and usually go to a good show at the club down the street from my house.
11-TV or RADIO? Probably TV.  The Radio over plays songs, and it's annoying.
12-Post 5 pictures of yourself, include body pictures.

These are the closest I have to full bodys.  well they are full body.

I'm in the backround of the picture.

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