Oct 03, 2007 08:06
these cloudy days just make me want to snuggle up in my bed and listen to iron and wine all day long...
can this week be over already? i really really wanna go hiking. i really really can't wait for elephant mountain! i really really cant wait to feel whole. i really really can't wait to get sushi with the most amazing person I've met here. i really really really want a back massage. i really really want a snuggle buddy. who'll listen to iron and wine with me on these foggy mornings.
i want my blood to boil.
i want to loose control.
i want to feel magic.
i want that fist kiss to last forever.
i want meaningful conversations under an oak tree.
i want meet genuine people. who say what they mean and mean what they say.
i want music that makes ears bleed.
i want to feel every emotion under the rainbow.
i want you to be happy.