Jul 25, 2004 19:20
yes, the ice cream social was funn to the max. it poured. right when we were in the middle of coat of arms. hahaaa! it was the best! We were all soaked to the bone...plus i had to go running around to get my two cases. I saw Dan and Pat and Andy there... i miss them so. Dan helped me find my cases and such. then i had to find the people who were holding my clarinet and my tenor...haha. so then i got more wet. yay. then i got my instruments and i went to put my clarinet away and i realized that i had katie's clarinet and not mine. hehe then i got MORE wet. muahaha. fun stuff man. Oh YEAH! almost forgot...i accidentally punched steve in the eye ninja-style. god i felt so bad. he went to put his arm around me (as usual if you know steve) and i grabbed his wrist, twisted my fist around his arm, and punched him in the eye. then as he was staggering backwards, i went into shock and i was like holy shit where the hell did that come from???! now i owe him eternal hugs. he wanted to trade all the hugs in for sex, but i said no because that would just add to his already enormous ego.
haHAA..me, alexa, hannah and alex had our CAMPOUT! lmfao. Twas a blast. alexa flamed marshmallows over a small candle and almost burned the tent down and killed us all. We watched wayne's world on the portable t.v...and we tried to play the "Ha Ha" game. ::sighs:: good times... we probably kept the whole neighborhood up.
annd today...festival of arts and flowers. wasn't the same without blackwatch there. oh well. it was fun also. i had to go at 3:00 cause my parents had to help sell soda. Keith was like the only person there then, so me and him walked around and made fun of art and played with his squeaky yo-yo. haha. yes, then we went and helped sell soda and stuck our arms in the ice water and watched them almost fall off....then other people got there... cass,liz,chris,fisher,steve....
and we had a grand time. hah.
I gave Steve as many hugs as he wanted to make up for punching him in the eye (accidentally, i swear!!)
Then when it got time to play...ummm...we played? and i played my two measure solo! w00t!
im hungry.
later kids...<3