I had Gunstock USSA training yesterday, and I brought Nicole along with me... the other kids kept their distance... can't get too close to those high school joeys now can they?
Today was the Tony Buttinger Memorial race, it was slalom :) I schooled that course - the 2nd place racer was 2 seconds behind me! I got two real crystal trophies... one for 1st JIII Girl, and one for best Girls' time! Pretty good for not going to USSA training for a month or so. The coaches were uh, pretty speechless
So we have this new teacher in our English class.. she wants to teach English after college so she was taking over Mrs. Goodnow's class. She's pregnant, I think she should take a leave of pregnancy or something. After classes with her, I'm beginning to think that pregnant women have permanent PMS. She needs to take some Midol, and a long vacation. A long vacation.
What's Your Deepest Secret? Ski Team Pics