May 05, 2008 16:24
mad update: I have a cold on top of my bronchitis on top of my cold? It is what the doctor says. Also I might be allergic to my medicine. Well, fuck me.
In other news, 13 and a half pages to write tonight, a paper to edit, and I am done. Done done done. My History of Europe exam just now went like:
1) What is everything ever about Germany
2) What is everything ever about Russia
3) What is everything ever about Europe
1) How did death affect Europe
2) How did women affect Europe
You know this is an exaggeration. Okay.
In other news, college has radicalized me in a huge way. Not in an "I am a radical" way in which you should congratulate me and welcome into your pretentious douchebag fold. You know I would hate that. Rather, I am Eastern-bloc-esque, working-class-hero furiously pissed. (Maybe I will get a tattoo on my butt. Just kidding maybe). I am permanently angry at people that have and don't use it (intelligence or money), and people that have and have no excuse to be an asshole, and people that have and get drunkenly loud, and people that have and do a different guy every night. William and Mary is great, but this school (and really, most of everywhere I've experienced) is full of people that have without consciousness. I am not saying that people that have should all be UNICEF volunteers. In fact, there's a balance between being not elitist and being patronizing white middle-class liberal. But there's a collective human imperative based on the same, blurry needs and experiences. It's okay to blur them because it's binding. I think. I don't know. I also promise, that this isn't jealousy. I'm certainly not bad off. It's rather the realization that a common imperative or whatever key phrase shit I just made up is created because money makes people. What I've seen is, in order to legitimize having stuff and legitimizing the right to keep it, you have to close yourself off from people that don't have and the common experience they represent. Wealth and intellectualism, I think, are inversely related (if it gets that way). The people that I have met here that are like that just shut off because they're secure and comfortable in what they have. Why change anything?
I am totally not secure in what I think there. Um. It's just the conclusion I've come to, and I can't tell if it's dumb. Yikes. No hatin no hatin.
pedanticalness is a word,
waffle house