Help me bring Plastic Tree to the U.S.!

May 06, 2006 00:53

Ok, so first, truth be told, not all of us can afford to go to Mexico to see Plastic Tree. Much less France or Germany. Correct? And of course many of us want to see Plastic Tree. Now lets look at what we know so far. From the looks of it, the tour starts in Japan on July 2nd and Mexico seems like the last stop. Now, In all honesty, I don't think it would be that hard for Plastic Tree to cross the border into the U.S. Lets think about this for a sec. Jhouserock or Jpophouse, whichever you'd rather reffer to them as, hasn't mentioned any bands for this summer aside from the whole Dir en grey/Family Values tour. And that doesn't start until July 27th. Also there's Kamijo from lareine in May and Hakuei in June is it? It's all before the Plastic Tree world tour. I know some people dont like Jhouserock too much but I do beleive we owe them for many bands coming over and I'm quite positive it wouldn't be too hard for them to bring Plastic Tree over, especially with Plastic Tree playing so close by as it is!! My plan? The following. But first, I ask for full cooperation from everyone. I know this might seem a bit out there, but you wont loose a thing from giving it a chance other than a 39 cent stamp :X. SO hear me out ok? Here goes nothing!

LETTERS. I want letters from each and every one of you sent to me. Not just any letter. A letter asking Jhouserock, Harry personally, to bring Plastic Tree to the U.S. Why am I not doing a petition online? Because those can be signed by the same person many times and I honestly don't beleive it would be taken too seriously :/ WHy don't I ask each of you to send your letters personally? Because I dont beleive it would have the same effect as all letters mailed at once. I am going to collect these letters in the next 3 weeks and personally give Harry a box filled with the letters at Anime Boston and if by any chance Jhouserock isn't at AB I am personally mailing the aforementioned box to Harry express mail and secured. I want this to cause an impact. I am ALSO emailing Buchi through his website and explaining to him what is being planned, and I shall do so in Japanese (thank you Japanese neighbors <3). So that is the plan. Get your letters sent ot me, get your friends to write letters, get your parents to write letters, get EVERYONE to write a letter and lets do our very best to make this happen. Nothing is impossible and anything is worth a shot! IF Mexico can get them then so can we!!! SO, here is my full name and address:

Nancy Guevara
20 Hemenway St. Apt.24
Boston, MA -2115

If you have any questions at all, please email me at You can stick your letter in another envelope inside of the one addressed to me or in just one envelope. The deadline is MAY 24th. I'd love to extend it until later but 1- We really dont have much time and 2- It really doesn't take long to write andmail a letter like that ^^;. So come on guys!! get thos eletters out there and lets do this!! CHEERS!!

you darling darling friends in my friends' list MUST do this because you must because youre all such sweethearts :D <#
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