Quickly nearing 23 Mommy of 2 (Jack and Bren) and expecting another boy 6/08 Have been making graphics for about 5 years Totally fail when it comes to mini-biographies
I expect that you will upload icons within a week of picking them up. If you don't have space for a new icon, please leave the spot open so someone else can get one! Please always credit. You don't have to ask permission to use any graphic I make somewhere else. If you're using it online, please still link back to _proudmomma these aren't really rules...just suggestions: Please keep the following questions in mind when you request and while selecting photos for your request I always allow for spot-holding while you gather photos, specifically so you can find the *right* picture for your graphic. does the photo (orientation, colors, lighting, position/size of subject) fit the style of the icon/graphic? are these photos large enough/good enough to work with? have I already requested using these images/do I already have an icon using this image?