I can feel Niko's gentle breath on my foot. He's very sweet. Nikoli (Niko is what we call him) is my miniature american eskimo puppy. He's a little over 5 months now. We've had him since June. It's odd to love this adorable little creature that I keep alive so much. He's very smart. I've taught him how to sit, lay, come, stay, up, down, paw, rollover, and right now we're working on object association. It's silly to be talking about my puppy, I know. He's just made our home a home now. He's sleeping with his nose pressed against my heel. The things he loves most is dan and I and food. Which is funny because three of the things I love most are dan and him and food.
My life is pretty boring right now. School and work and routine. I've taken a strong liking to poker lately. I think I enjoy it so much because it's the one thing I can do with the boys and beat them at. I play a fierce game. Not a particularly good habit, I know, but we play with only a few dollars. So I planned and executed a fashion show in the summer. I'm a bit late with updating. It was the most stressful thing I've ever done in my life. It turned out very well, considering it was my first time. My twentieth birthday was the best I've had so far. (reason for the shiny mermaid seafoam green dress above) I received white roses and 25 people screaming (not singing) happy birthday to me at 1 o'clock in the morning. I moved into a new apartment which I like very much more than my last. We have a dishwasher! And we got sweet little Niko, of course. I think I've caught up since Summer.
Now, Fall. Fall I will be very productive. Focus on school. Save for Europe next summer. Eat a little better. Exercise. (I promise this time.) I'm impatiently anticipating cool weather. I live in Florida, unfortunately. I don't know when it's ever going to come. I just want to wear scarves and boots and cuddle in bed. This Polish cafe has the most incredible coconut curry soup. It always tastes delicious but especially so when it's cold out. I'm sorry I have nothing too interesting to say. I'm happy. When I'm happy, I'm boring. I recently read The Road by Cormic McCarthy. It is the most sad and beautiful book I have ever read. I stongly suggest reading it. I'll leave you with one of my favorite writings:
"He walked out in the gray light and stood
and he saw for a brief moment the absolute truth
of the world. The cold relentless circling of the
intestate earth. Darkness implacable. The blind dogs
of the sun in their running. The crushing black vacuum
of the universe. And somewhere two hunted animals
trembling like ground foxes in their cover. Borrowed
time and borrowed world and borrowed eyes with
which to sorrow it."