1. What is the
geekiest part of your music collection?: Ashlee Simpson :)
2. What do you eat when you raid the fridge late at night?: anything we have (with isnt ever much)
What is your guaranteed 'weeping' movie?: well i dont really cry at movies but the saddest one that i own is Pearl Harbor
4. If you could have plastic surgery, what would you have done?: probably nothing i'm pretty comfortable in my skin
5. Do you have a completely irrational fear?: talking to strangers(like in a store or something)
What is the little physical habit that gives away your insecure
moment?: cross my arms and kind of look away
7. Are you a pyromaniac?: umm no not really
8. Do you have too many love interests?: not at the moment i have a few from the past though
Do you know anyone famous?: i'm related to the guy who wrote the
Pendragon books and invented Are You Afraid of the Dark.. and my old
dance teacher Karen Prunsick(?)
10. Describe your bed: single (when alyssa moves out im pushing both
together to make a king :-D ) umm it has sheets and a pillow on it?
11. Spontaneous or planned?: spontaneous mostly sometimes i like to know what im doing though
12. Who should play you in a movie about your life?: Danica McKellar(Winnie Cooper from WOnder Years)-.-
13. Do you know how to play poker?: a little bit.. not much though
14. What do you carry with you at all times?: a neckace ... i hate having an empty neck (that sounds awkward)
15. What do you miss most about being a kid?: i still am a kid... but i guess i miss where i used to live
16. Are you happy with your given name?: i guess.. i just dont think its sounds very adult
How much money would it take to get you to give up the Internet for one
year?: i dunno like a few thousand, so i could buy a cell phone with a good plan :) an talk to people that way
18. What color is your bedroom?: white
What was the last song you were listening to?: Fall Out Boy :-D because i love them
20. Have you ever been in a play?: yea! i was in the lead in like two of them
Have you ever been in love?: nah theres time enough for that :)
22. Do you talk a lot?: when do i not talk ??
23. Do you like yourself and believe in yourself?: yeah i do
24. Do transient, homeless, or starving people sometimes annoy you?: no i just feel really badly for them
25. Do you consider yourself to be a nice person?: sometimes, but other times i can be a bitch
26. Do you spend more time with your girlfriend/boyfriend or your friends?: i've never had a boyfriend, i wouldnt know
27. What is your ideal marriage location?: outside would be sweet with
a lot of green grass. maybe in the morning so there are birds chirping
28. Which musical instrument do you wish you could play?: with i could play?/ drums or piano
29. What is your favorite fabric?: wtf kind of question is that? cotton
30. Something you love and hate?: i love being happy i hate mr smalley
What kind of bedding do you use?: umm striped sheets and a matching comforter
33. What's the
one language you want to learn?: itialian and french because i would want to learn two:)
34. How do you eat an apple?: cut up or just biting it
What do you order at a bar?:umm i'm 14 no bars yet
36. Have you ever
pierced your body parts?: ears and i really want my belly button
38. Do you know how to drive a stick?: i cant evendrive a car? but yeah i want to learn how when i do.
What's one trait you hate in a person?: when they are condesending or
think everything with you is a contest.. like who had a better time at
a concert.. its like who cares we both had fun...
40. What kind of watch(es) do you have?: i dont have one
41. Most frivolous purchase?: i got this Jacket at Express that was 40
$ and i could get the same one somewhere else for 10$ so i guess that
was frivolous/
42. Do you consider yourself materialistic?: sometimes but not really
43. What do you cook the best?: um i make good grilled cheeeeese
44. Favorite writing instrument?: penssss:)
45. Do you prefer to stand out or blend in?: standing out.. lifes to short to blend in
Would you ever go out dressed like the opposite sex?: umm im a girl so
i wouldnt car if i dressed like a guy cause it would count as tom boy..
only a guy would really care about this question
47. What's the one car you will never buy?: i HATE hummers they're so friggin disgusting
48. What kind of books do you like to read?: fiction and stories about girls around my age
49. If you won the lottery, what would you do?: give some to family and some to charity and buy stuff :)
52. What's one thing you're a sore loser at?: i dont know i m ean i know i hate losing some stuff but sometimes i just dont care
If you don't like a person, how do you show it?: I'm really mean to them
54. Do you cry in front of your friends?: no not really i cant think of any times
55. What kind of first impression do you think you give to people?: i dont know, i talk a lot? aggressive
56. What's one thing you like to do alone?: listen to music, or read
Are you a giver or a taker?: giver, sometimes i take.. depends i guess
58. When's the last time you cried?: I dunno i think right before the last dodgeball tournament
59. Favorite communication method?: internet, or in person,
60. How many drinks before you're tipsy?: i have noo idea
61. Do you think you're cute?: on some days
62. Do you have problems changing clothes in front of friends?: no i
mean not like naked but if i have like a bra and stuff on then i dont
really care
63. First Name: Lauren
64. Were you named after anyone?: nope
65. Do you wish on stars?: sometimes. i saw two shooting stars though in like 2 days
66. Which singer is your favorite?: umm if a band counts as a singer
then Fall Out Boy, if not then i like Ashlee or Christina Auguilera or
Kelly Clarkson
67. Who are you more like - your mother or your father?: my mum
68. Do you like your handwriting?: sometimes
69. What is your favorite lunch meat?: bologna!!!!!!!!1
70. Any bad habits?: bite my nails.. but i'm learning to stop
What's in your CD player right now?: Fall Out Boy
72. Do you believe in soul mates?: i think there is someone who is
perfect for you.. but if theres only one then omst of us are screwed
73. Are you a daredevil?: umm i can be
Have you ever told a secret you swore not to?: sometimes yea.. but if i can tell the person is really serious thne i dont
75. Do looks matter?: sometimes
76. Have you ever misused a word and it sounded absolutely stupid?: no i dont think
77. Do you think there is a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow?: thats an embarrassing question
78. Are you trendy?; not at al really
How do you release anger?: i yell or throw things or go in my room and count money and listen to music
80. Where are your second homes?: Annies house, Laycees house.. and my dad?
81. Do you trust others easily?: sometimes
82. What was your favorite toy as a child?: my blankie???
83. What is your least favorite food?: i have no idea
84. How many wisdom teeth do you have?: i have no idea
85. How many people have a crush on you right now?: none thank the lord!
86. What do you miss most right now?: my house.. im on vacation