Apr 06, 2005 14:59
i havent been to school since friday... battle of the bands was friday and was TERRIBLE so annie and i left and went to her house. At like 10 i went home and just chillled around my house until i went to sleep...
Saturday i woke up feeling a little sick.. well, i had to get up and go to my sisters workshift but ended up leaving and hour in cause i looked so sick (according to Cassandra) so i went home and lounged all day
Sunday i felt better so i went to church and then to the mall with my aunt who got me all this stuff (she is the RADDeST) so i come home and feel AWFUL again and end up throwing up at like 12 so i was free of school on Monday where monday and tuesday i LOUNGED again
Today i got up at like 7 40 and had missed my bus (even though i didn't know i was going to school) and got to school about 8 30 we had double chorus so that was ok.. then the rest of dumb classes...i didnt feel good again so i got picked up at about 1 45 and ran some errands with my mom now i'm home.. and bored to death!!