Oct 29, 2006 09:30
so, checking my past entries, it looks like i was symptom free for about one month... almost exactly one month... then... night before last, i was at work and had to leave like 10 minutes before we closed. then i was sick yesterday morning and had a grumbly belly all day... ultimately, i had to leave work early last night as well... the thing that sucks is that last night was the busiest night of the season, and we were short staffed. then i woke up sick this morning. fortunately, i don't have the grumbles... yet.
here is the wierd part. until this time, i have never been sick at night. that was the great thing about this job. it didn't start until 7 and then went to 12 or 1. i didn't have to worry about being sick. i am only sick in the morning. well, not anymore.sick at night, sick in the morning... just plain sick. and it sucks.
anyway, just marking my sick days so i have a reccord of it.