Posted in chosen!!!!!

Feb 09, 2005 00:45

The hellmouth is gone, destroyed, because of a bleached blonde vampire. But what they don't know is that what darkness fears, is still here. Still kicking around under all the debris they caused.

A few rocks begin to move and a hand shoots out. Perfect looking and not dirty at all.

"They think they've won. They think they've defeated me. I'm still here..."

The rocks begin to unpile as a person rises out.

"And not done with you all yet!" I looked around and could see nothing in the darkness. Everything was gone. My army was destroyed because of that stupid vampire. They vanished like they were nothing. How could I have lost?

"They destroyed them all. I was so...close." I looked down and watched the wound disappear. The blood faded just like the figment it was. It was fun until she got up. How dare she get back up!

"Much better." I look up and can hear footsteps. Life? Seems someone is up above.

"I can hear you!" I begin to walk and stop at a huge stone that was perfectly positioned upwards to what you could consider the ceiling.

"A way up? How kind. I'll have to thank you Spike. Personally." I jumped up and began to crawl along the rock. All that I could think about was what I last saw. My army being destroyed by that laughing vampire and the Slayer getting away; fleeing for her life along with all of the others. But I got some of her pathetic followers.

"Buffy thinks I'm gone and destroyed now doesn't she? She's going to have a rude awakening soon. Very soon." I stopped and listened. Men were talking about what could've happened here. Humans, so naive. It'll be so much fun to rip their skin off and watch their blood spill everywhere.

"I'll tell you foolish humans, I did." I hissed as I jumped back down and a dust cloud rose around me.

"I'm not a manifestation anymore Slayers! You may have stopped my army Buffy, but the war is just beginning. I got what I wanted and now it's time to play with the full set of cards. You better be prepared." I turned around and an image flashed in my head of the human-demon I came in contact with.

"I wonder if he's found what I need?" As I layed down here, my body under the rubble, I reached out and encountered him somehow. His dark pleasure filled me with such excitement when I talked to him. He was so stubborn and an easy thing to munipulate. I'm glad that he decided to see things my way or I would've had to kill him.

But how did I? I was defeated. My time was blown to pieces. I shouldn't be here but somehow I am. Somehow this foolish creature, Chaos, brought me back to this world or at least helped me. I don't know how but he's useful to me right now. But later on, I'll throw him away like yesterday's trash.

"I'll have to thank you when I see you in person Chaos...which will be very soon."
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