Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa life's not fair!!! it's not, it's not, it's not! i wanna die! oh why cruel world do you put me threw such torture! It's not fair!!!!! damn you, you arrogant bastard i hope you burn! I really am going to kill myself
Reason: my computer crashed
Reason 2: when the guy was cleaning it off, he didn't burn all my files
Reason 3: four years of my life, are history.
Reason 4: so is all my yaoi
I really wanna cry now - I just wanna curl up into a ball and wither away...
Please god take mercy on me now... don't kill me, but somehow please miraculously send me those files in a pretty box. It could be a ugly box too... i don't care. I just want them back, please. Just save my stories at least. Please.
Life is Le miserable.