
Mar 28, 2005 15:37

Some situations in life are purely hilarious to me. Specifically when you know someone is totally disillusioned by something they perceive to be reality, and you know that they're living in fantasy land. All you want to do to them is try and beat some sense into them, and you can't. And everything they say makes it worse. You want to laugh at their stupidity, you want to cry at their misconceptions, and what's funny is that this isn't a division of the classes (mature vs. immature people), because it happens to everyone. Society has evolved in such a way that we are backstabbing. We will do anything we can to attain goals, and to crush those of others. Every person has the capability to be deletariously mean, or nasueatingly sweet, which is a choice made every day by every single person, whether they are aware of it or not. The reason such a thought provoking entry was just made is because I was reading through some old conversations with some friends of mine, specifically a recent one (okay, not so recent, like a month ago), which just made me disgusted all over again. The same feeling I had when the conversation was actually happening. I meant every single thing I said, I suppose it just came off the wrong way.

So here's some food for thought: it's always better to be prepared before doing something, so the next time you get really upset with a friend, or with a family member, or with anyone or possibly anything, think about everything that's going on. Take into consideration that you're sometimes just as insane as the person you want to strangle. There's too much betrayal and disgust going on, it's time to learn to get along and just let things slide. Maybe the world will be better off for it.
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