Aug 16, 2010 20:26
I'm twenty years old, and just discovered that I am pregnant. Mostly I'm happy, but I'm also terrified. I always joked around that I would never have a baby because I have a very low tolerence when it comes to pain. My boyfriend is really, really thrilled about it...I can't be more than a month pregnant and he's already taken to kissing my belly before we go to bed. I've joined this community to hear from others about what they're going through, to ask questions and get advice if I ever need it. If anyone is in the same situation, or just going through their first pregnancy--HELLO! =] It'd be nice to have someone to talk to about everything I'm feeling. I've just called and scheduled an appointment for the 26th of August...I heard that you have to get a blood sample? Does that happen on the first appointment? I'm terrified of needles!