Mar 07, 2006 19:07
My personal history vs. hollywood:
My hollywood- i've always known who i was. I've always know that i'm not your average kid. and i don't say things your average kid would say. now i personally don't feel that this is bad, i'm truthful, trustworthy, and respectful to people-till they disrespect me. my golden rule is not so golden, its more of a morning piss yellow. i'll be nice to everyone untill they are not so nice to me, and then... well then, shit, the world goes to hell in a hand basket. its not treat others how you want to be treated, its i'll treat you how you treat me. So all in all, i feel that everyone should be treated eaqually.
now, i believe that even though i have fucked up and made mistakes i think that i've been a good person and what not.
my history: well we will have to consult the peanut gallery on this one because everyone remembers events differently. but lately i've been told that i'm an asshole, disrespectful, and belittle women. I know i will talk to teachers differently than other students but hell when students get disrespected, especially by teachers they do crazy shit. and yes history proves this. hello school shootings. now, i would never shoot up a school that would not be good, so insted i let those who disrespect me know and sometimes taht means being disrespectful back or just telling it like it is.
idk. whatever for now. i can't write any more