Jul 15, 2009 12:37
i'm supposed to go 'live' tonight at 6pm :/ to be honest i don't really want to, because i already did a live chat this week but i suppose i will do it again. ummmm i also want a good breakfast..or should i say lunch, but there's like not much to choose from right now. we need to go grocery shopping.
i signed up for my newspaper course. the school had to make me my own course number because it only offers college newspaper I&II but because this will be my third semester participating on the newspaper staff, they had to create a "newspaper III" course number for me. so my prof spoke to the secretary at the college and they worked it all out, so i signed up for it today. dad needs to fill out FAFSA.. i love financial aid :) it's a blessing.<3
have i mentioned that i love 'the script'? awesome awesome music. oh & dashboard, of course. they just played on my itunes. <3<3<3
okay i don't have much else to say (surprisingly!) i'm gonna go clean & stuff before the live chat & then my guests tonight.