You know when your totally stressed out about a day, that you know is gonna sux, and then you get there and it's actually really cool easy day?
ya today was one and it was a well need day. :)
Have you guys clicked on that "My LJ" button on the toolbar?
if you haven't you so should cuz i think it's really cool, and ya do it cuz i say so. :)
I was looking through this catalog this evening, and i was over the moon!
When i went to England in the 6th grade i went to this one museum, and that was when i first learned about art nuvoe and art deco. With art deco i fell in love with this one artist called Macintosh. i loved his stuff i like it. My favorite thing of his is the Macintosh Rose. it was his way of doing roses and he did alot of them. While i was there i bought a Macintosh style ring that had the rose on it. i wore it all through middle school, untill the band broke (and even then i still tried to wear it by putting duck tape over the crack) then i got another ring like it for christmas, but instead of the rose it had a purple stone in it. Sadly tho one day during Miracle Worker rehearsal i lost it. Well tonight i was looking through this catalog called "Past Times" and they have all this stuff in that style, and jewelry like it. but they had this one necklace that was in the shape of a heart and had the rose in it and i loved it cuz it was taking the rose witch was getting a lil boring and giving it it a twist, it was so pretty, and it made me so happy! don't know why really but it really made me smile seeing it.
ya thats what a macintosh rose looks like, only theres a bunch of diffrent ways he used it and mediums he used it in.