granola bars make me smile

Aug 19, 2004 16:48

my day started out as normal... woke up, put on my best friend, ate blueberries, took an AP test, then... SUDDENLY, alas meghan and i were in a predicament! actually no predicament, i just wanted to use smart sounding language. we went on an picture taking adventure and ended up at our secret park! yes SECRET park, where meghan ran through cold water and i took pictures. and we're going to have sex at our secret park because it has gushy grip things with water and that would be the ultimate sexcapade. then we left to get a mountain dew+ cherry=awesome slurpie. then we went through the ghetto and i yelled "hey baby" to this mexican and then we followed him through this trailer park thing. then we drove by these scary people's trailer and they kept waving and this scary wrinkly man kept looking at us really scary. then we drove by this witchdoctor's house and she was outside and her mailbox said 14 KAIN it was scary so we drove 10 miles over the 10 speed limit. then we drove really fast and i hit a curb and meghan yelled "GOD DAMNIT JANE YOU ARE SUCH A BAD DRIVER!!!" really loud so i drove really good and felt reeally bad about my life. then justin called and we were talking about buttholes and how he likes them. but its okay because meghan likes licking brandon's butthole anyway and we know it. tomorrow is friday and i'm hanging out iwht justin yay yay yay yay yay yay. maybe i will get to go to AJ and look at more ghetto trailer parks! tomorrow i have chemistry with the love of my life that has chlymedia but i dont care cause i'm going to marry that boy someday. like that country song, you know what i'm talking about. god do i love him. i dont care if he contracts 8 differnet types of STD's to me, i swear. and the other day he asked me for a calculator, then yesterday he asked me if i did my poster. "YES MY CHLYMEDIA CONTRACTING FRIEND I LOVE YOU!". i didnt say that but i thought it. because anyone with chlymedia deserves to be loved right? even though he has about 500+ pictures of his extremely goodlooking girlfriend on his binder i ignore it when i admire his rashes. yes, i love his rashes. thats why there's cortaid people!! someday i will marry someone with constant athlete's foot so i can lick his toes and take pictures of it. then i will be able to tell the world i have athelte's mouth. maybe then i will be non-irrisistable to men. today i had the BEST joke ever, i told sarah that "god must have spent a little LESS time on you" we all laughed so hard and talked about nsync. because i am so awesomely awesome that i could come up with a good enough joke to make sarah laugh and cry and cry and laugh at the same tiem. i loved it, then i had to sit next to this funny smelly kid at lunch and i put dirty lettuce in his sandwich, and thats always fun. then i made an ass out of myself after school but tahs okay because no one is still reading this anyway!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i love youuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu. espeically you meghan, jocelyn, caroline, sarah, tanya justin, john ♥

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