Since my last went from talking about almost amusing sex with Tommy to a rant... I will continue talking about what I have been up to in a new entry.
To play Edward 40 Hands all you have to do is hit up your local liquor store or super market and grab yourself two 40s of the cheapest, shittiest beer you can find (most people use Mickey's). On the way to the check out you pick up a roll of duct tape and then head out. Once you arrived at your desired drinking arena, you pick someone to do the work and the rest of you giggle. The person chosen will place each of your hands to an ice cold 40 and duct tape it securely on. Like so:
As you can see we substituted Mickey's with Corona (and not shown in this picture Steele Reserve). We each got one corona and one steele reserve because they didn't have Mickey's at Safeway.
Once the beer is in place everyone starts chugging. Some do it to get drunk super fast but most people do it because your hands are so cold you can't even stand it and you aren't allowed to take the bottles of your hands until they are empty.
Since we were waiting for Andrea to arrive, we only taped up one hand and chugged while watching Sex and the City.
This is what it feels like ripping the duct tape off your hands.
That's all you need to have a fabulous night for under $6
Moving along...
Andrea found a really cute house for a cheap as hell price for us on Craiglist so if everything works out, we might be living with Lauren and Melissa (both shown above) within a couple of months! I will be so excited to move out of this basement and into a real house with windows, a living room, and a decent kitchen with a dishwasher. I can't wait until we are settled into a new place that we can actually invite people over to and have parties at. Living in this basement was nice for a year, but I am ready to have a real place and soon I will be ready to have my own place.