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Feb 02, 2006 11:12

Leo + Aquarius

Fire + Air = Hot Air

Aquarius is your seventh sign and augurs well for an enduring partnership under certain conditions. You may see their intellectual zest for life as a type of upstaging of your own attention-seeking personality. You see, being a fire sign, you are far more spontaneous and emotional than your cool and airy Aquarian partner. In some ways their aloof detachment is at odds with your outgoing and bubbly nature, but the two of you are at least on one count very similar: you’re both wilful and self-centred. You will need to adjust to each other’s strong personalities should you wish to develop a friendship any further. Aquarius could find your loud and limelight-seeking Lion heart over the top, whereas you view them as being far too rational and distant on occasions.

Both of you are fixed in your opinions and find it difficult to adjust to each other’s demands. From social to political and philosophical viewpoints, there will be a battle of wills that will not be easy to reconcile. One of you will have to defer to the other or this partnership will become extremely combative. The airiness of Aquarius will inflame your fires of rage at times.

Astrologically, opposites do magnetise, as in the case of Leo and Aquarius, and this means you find each other very attractive. Marriage, or at least a serious relationship, is a natural consideration at some point after you meet. For Leos looking to secure a long-term relationship with an Aquarian, those born between 21 and 30 January are quite well suited, notwithstanding some of the above anomalies, and those born between 31 January and 8 February are stimulating friends and lovers. Those born between 9 and 19 February will be your loyal supporters and won’t compete with your ego.
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