Aug 18, 2006 22:11
((OOC- This post is done in the view of Headmaster Toriyama.))
The Headmaster sat back in his chair, waiting. If it was up to him, he would have this school day starting at as early as five in the morning. Waiting for as long as they did seemed like such a waste.
Not that starting the day earlier would make much of a difference. Even now as the first bell chimed, Toriyama could walk over the window and peer through the blinds to see just about half the school rushing into the building in a pathetic attempt to keep from being late.
It irked him that things couldn't be stricter around here. Fights were becoming more frequent. Students were talking back to the teachers. Attitudes ran high with even the quiet students. Defiance was pushing its way through this school's doors after all the shit he did to keep it out.
The second bell was chiming now, the tardy bell. Leaning forward in his chair, Toriyama snatched the short microphone and pressed done on the small button, accessing the overhead speakers.
"Listen up, kiddies," he spoke into the phone. "It's getting due time for the annual school festival. It's a community thing, so everybody will be expected to participate." His voice was stern, almost threatening.
"From now until the day of the festival, November 19th, you and your homeroom will plan, create, and establish a booth. Failure to do this successfully will result in hurting your finals grade. Everyone in the homeroom must have some type of job they will be in charge of. Failure to participate with your homeroom will be handled by me personally." He broke off as a sneer crept to his lips.
"If you need help, your homeroom teacher's will be your support. Originality is a must. It might not be wise to let the other groups know what your group is doing.
"You will not have school on the 19th and you must come to school on the 20th. You will go immediately to your homerooms to set up for the festival on those days. You will not be dismissed to leave campus grounds on the last day of the festival until everything, including every piece of garbage you filthy little brats littered is picked up.
"As a reminder, every single one of you lazy shits better turn in your 500 page assignment on this coming Wednesday." At this, he slammed his finger against the button again, turning the speaker off.