Sometimes I get too occupied by life to actually post my picture of the day. Slaving over a hot stove, but it was worth it because I had a fabulous dinner. I also made another pumpkin pie, which will be ready to eat in a hour. I was expecting this week to be full of fun and adventures, but due to lack of funds, I had to restrain myself from going out. I will probably have to do the same for next week as well. Somehow...I miss working everyday. At least I had money.
I looked at old photos today of my friends and I. It made me happy and sad all at once. I miss those days. Sometimes I wish I could go back 3 years and do it all over again. is good now, and it's only going to get better.
I've been wondering where I'm going to live after this. I think I want to move to another location, but then I think that I should stay where I'm at and take it all in before I move on. So many life decisions that need to be made. Adult life is so tricky.