<3 To Do lists <3

Nov 11, 2005 17:23

To Do: Within My Lifetime: I Must Go To:
Israel, before Channukah and leave after (international) New Years.
Japan, during Spring to watch the Cherry trees blossom.
Poland, Czech and Germany, "backpacking in Europe"/"visiting the homeland" type deal.
England, Ireland and Scotland, seeing the castles, raving about Monty Python and The Holy Grail, revisit London and Bath and the Stupid Stone Henge, gotta go to Liverpool too and also "visiting my homeland", not as homeish as POCZGER.
Russia, <3 commies and Russian boys <3, maybe I'll even venture into Siberia, just so I can say "Yeah, I've been to Siberia."
Saskatchewan, same thing "Yeah, I've been to Saskatchewan."
Costa Rica, to see how much better their economy really is.
All former USSR countries of course or the Slavic countries - Ukraine, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Croatia, Romania, Estonia, Bulgaria, Latvia, Lithuania with Kevin of course(my mom just said "Mesopotamia...*few minutes later after I explained that Mesopotamia is not a slavic country*...I meant to say Macedonia!")
I should probably go to Italy with my Sister and her family, whenever that may be.
But fuck Spain.

jeez, I should stop wasting my money on...well, mostly manga...damn. I should probably get a job too...herm...if I do play with a "well-established" orchestra, then money wouldn't be a big problem. Those bitches get paid well. There's easy options too...the military - yeah, never, Peace Corp!?!! or Green Peace!!?! or hitchhiking!!! idk.

"...Think of August, when the trees were green..."
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