Nov 15, 2004 18:35
Yeh so it's been a pretty good few weeks. 2 friday's ago me and Melissa spent the night at Rachael's with her Cody, Nico, and Tommy. Then the week..School..Wednesday Nico took a few of us to lunch. We had last Thursday off so on Wednesday me and Melissa spent the night at Rachael's with her, Isaac, Cody and Nico. Haha, didn't turn out as we thought it would..Ended in a drug talk which I luckily missed, but no huge damage so no worries. Then on Thursday I babysat my brother all day which sucked fat but it was Christina's real birthday so her mom ordered us CPK to be delivered which was dope. So then came along friday. Nothing big happened. Me, Julia, and Heather went to Home Depot to get supplies to paint my room the next day. Haha, there were songs playing the whole night that sounded like they'd be put onto a music collaboration called "Smoothe Jamz Volume 2" so me and Julia had fun dancing with the hardware and eachother. Then all day Saturday I painted my room which was some hard ass work. So night time rolled around and me and Melissa headed to Calle Real so I could snag a CD. But they didn't have anything I wanted. Lame. So we finished up there and walked over to the theater to meet Cody and Nico because we were gonna' see Seed of Chuckey. So Nico drove up and we sat for a while and then Cody drove around. Then we all found out that legally Nico is the only one who's old enough to see the movie and they were actually enforcing that law so we got into Nico's truck and drove over to the ghetto fuckin $3 theatre and got to see Team America for free. Haha funniest movie. So then Nico drove me home and I played some hall louge with my brother. Who knows why he was still awake at 11 at night..So I put him to bed and then I talked to Nico for a few hours and went to bed.
Sunday Melissa called and woke me up at 8:30 so we could go get Mcdonalds breakfast and pick up my Encore CD at Border's..Which I grabbed the last copy of bytch. He's still so badass. Then we walked back to her house and got a ride to the pier and walked around and saw the Art Show and got Ice Cream.
Then today {Monday}, I did in fact have a case of the mondays. I woke up and it was hella cold, then failed my Spanish test. But then there were a few perks. I got an A+ on my Geometry test..Eh thank you. And then at Nico got me and we hung out. Then after school Grant came over and I helped him get some shit to wash his car and then he stayed for a while and we got to talk and what not. Haven't seen him in a while so that was cool.
Me and Rachael are probably going to the Decade's dance on Friday..Anyone else planning to get dressed up and go?