NO LIE I hate every single one of you who didn't even LOOK at that last post or even click the link. I REALLY HATE YOU!! And if you didn't, please leave me a comment so I can remove you off of my list.
It's amazing how cruel some of you people are. It's one thing for animals to get killed for meat... that's the food chain. I mean, as much as I hate it, it's the way things go. Animals kill other animals all the time to eat and everything... but it's another thing to rip an animals skin off of him/her while they are still living! That is just plain plat our WRONG and if you don't agree you are HEARTLESS AND COLD! I don't cry at funerals or hardly ever at movies or ANYTHING like that but this REALLY got to me. Some of you make me so sick...
And I left two of my ferret communities because I posted it in there and they deleted it and said if I posted anything like that again, I would be banned. So I saved them the time and agrravation. How ignorant can you be? I posted it in there because they do this stuff to our beloved ferrets too! They have fur, don't they? It's amazing how dumb people can be. And I have read comments to my post over at
ohnotheydidnt about it and some people even said normally they wouldn't have cared about anything like that but they watched the videos and it made them CRY and it made them SICK. How can that not bother you?! I didn't even WATCH the videos, I looked at the picture and that was enough to get me.
I did, however, get over 600 comments so that helps that that many people at least looked at it, even if they didn't agree. That means something.