May 07, 2005 16:46

The day in my life that i will most remember was ruined by me getting another stomach virus in my stomach. For the past two days I've been having so much pain in my stomach and I had a fever and the cherry on top of all of that was that i got my freakin PERIOD.Ugh!! I was so upset and sad because when i woke up the day of prom i knew i had to go to school but i didnt feel good at all, i thought was dying. So me and my mom decided to go talk to Mr. Thompson and let him know that i couldn't be in school and that I was going to go to the Hospital. So we talked to him and he said " That's fine I will see you at prom." I LOVE MR. Thompson, God bless that man. He was so nice. So right after I left school I went to the hospital where I spent have of my day with ivy being pumped into me and needles being poked into me. Then Dr. Decter came in ( what an idoit). He asked me if I was pregnant after he examed me and then he asked me when I got my period, and I of course said "Yesterday", then the idoit says, " are you pregnant" again, what a chode!!!!! So anyway I left the hospital at 12:48 and my hair appointment was at one and i was like 10 mintues away from the place so i was freakin out because i thought i wasnt going to make it, but i did. Then i got my make-up done, and i hated it, it made me look so ugly.

Here comes the exciting part of the day, when we all gather to wait for the limo. And to everyones disgust the limo driver gets there at 7:40, isnt that nice. Well, we got to prom at 8:4? and when i walk in i see Elise and she was leaving and i felt so bad (She looked beautiful as always). Then we got up to where the fun will happen and i see everyone looking so hottt. I have to say that prom is a day I will never forget and i will never forget all the people i spent it with. Everyone looked amazing and i wish i had pictures, but unfortunetly since i dont have a brain i lost it. If anyone has pictures give me copies, PLease, it will be much appreciated. I love you all and you all looked gorgeous.
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