Self Love
and Gratitude
Graces us with the presence of our divine selves, and our beautiful ways of relating to one another.
Heart of Water
I bless all the waters in my body
Today, let's begin within and bless all the waters in our body. You see, as our blessed Heart beats true with Love and Gratitude, waters will begin to mirror Divinity within, creating ripples of time, expressing Life sublime while thoughts projecting inner reflectings serve to create Now.
Everyone into a state of Grace through the power of Gratitude.
Life is a series of streaming koan's.
So, once and for all, let's settle this one:
Whether it be half empty or full ...
Let's always give thanks for the CUP.
As for the ebb and flow - the rise and fall -
the come and go that affects us all, consider this:
Without spilling, drinking, tipping or sipping,
there is no room for NOW to fill you UP. C?
Go Gratitude!
Remember ~ the cup is YOU
~ Gratitude is the give and receive,
the drink and the pour,
a space for Love to be less IS more.
Ahhhhh ... refreshing, indeed!
Inside or outside yourself, you never have to change what you see, only the way you see it.
~ Thaddeus Golas